It is with pleasure that the R.E. Provocations committee invite you to join us on the April 2025 Study Tour to Reggio Emilia, Italy. As a member of the International Network of Reggio Children we are organising a delegation from New Zealand to visit Italy and see first-hand the Reggio Philosophy and Educational Approach to teaching and learning within their Preschools and Infant Toddler Centres.

Your week in Reggio Emilia is truly a wonderful experience, with participants arriving with a host of questions and often leaving with many more. We have been taking these study tours since 1995 and there has always been an element of surprise as the week unfolds.

You will visit the town of Reggio Emilia, engage with presentations from pedagogistas, atelieristas, and teachers who work at the Loris Malaguzzi International Centre as well as in Reggio Emilia's Infant-toddler Centres and Preschools. They will provoke your thinking and challenge your practice, we will visit an Infant and Toddler centre and be immersed in a Preschool for a morning. We also visit the REMIDA Centre which is full of recycled resources as well as the Loris Malaguzzi School.

Reggio Children are very open and willing to share their journey. There is always something to be discovered, something to challenge your thinking, something to be emotional about, as you weave your way through the week of encounters, provocations and dialogues.

Testimonial from a past participant
"I loved my tour to Reggio Emilia. The course was without a doubt a truly inspiring experience and I’m hoping to do the next level next year. The tour organiser always listened and responded to anyone’s wants and needs (and there were a few), had good local knowledge and found us some lovely authentic dining experiences in the evenings so it was fun to compare notes about the course and chat about how little Italian we could speak. We had a few laughs and met some great people. I was traveling alone from Christchurch so it was extremely comforting to be introduced to some other New Zealanders during my tour. I’d thoroughly recommend everything about the whole trip.”

Our Study Tour package includes:
- Accommodation at Hotel Europa - 4 star
- Conference registration costs
- Daily buffet breakfast at Hotel Europa
- Buffet lunch and light refreshments during full conference days (Monday-Friday)

To find out more information, or to register your interest - please use the links below: